Fingers Crossed II
Fingers Crossed II
The Engine Room, Awol Studios Manchester
Exhibition: ‘Prime Arcadia’
Friday 13 March 2015
Preview: 6-9 PM
A large site-specific installation of ‘Prime Arcadia’ will be exhibited in ‘Fingers Crossed II’ in the Engine Room, Awol Studios Manchester, for the second instalment of ‘Fingers Crossed’ curated by Katarzyna Jablonska.
The historic context of the Hope Mill—a grade II* listed building built in 1824 as a cotton spinning and fustian weaving mill for Joseph Clarke & Sons— that fell into disrepair through the economic decline in textile production sparked by globalism and accelerated by outsourcing to China provides a critical backdrop for the reading of the work.
Alabaster Deplume, Alex Young, Angus Cameron, Axel Bottenberg, Denis Whiteside, Emma Cousin, Jason Simpson, John E Walters, Karolful, Milena Michalski, Roger Bygott, Sam Hodge, Sandra Bouguerch, Sarah Hardacre, Sonja Wellings, Starvin Artist, Liz West, Tyler Mallison.
Hope Mill Theatre, Pollard Street, Manchester, UK